Influencer CRM | Glitch - Manage Influencer Campaigns Effectively

Use Our Built-In CRM

To Easily Manage Influencers

Watch To See The Entire Process

AI Filter Influencers

AI-Driven Outreach Management

Automate your outreach emails with our AI-powered CRM. Prefer a personal touch? Customize and send your email campaigns effortlessly.

Track Email Opens and Responses

Monitor email engagement with influencers by tracking opens and responses, ensuring you stay informed throughout your campaign.

Track Influencer Engagement
Update Contract Expectations

Effortless Contract Updates

Seamlessly update contract terms and payment details as you negotiate with influencers, keeping everyone on the same page.

Manage Sales Stages

Manage Sales Stages

From initial outreach to final agreement, effortlessly track each stage of your sales process with influencers.

Learn More About Performance-Based Influencer Marketing

Join Glitch and Revolutionize Your Marketing Strategy

Explore the benefits of performance-based influencer marketing with Glitch. Maximize your game's exposure and engage effectively with influencers.

Get Started Now